[XBMC live 10.0] Shuttle boots from wrong disk.

My Shuttle XS35 has a internal drive with 2 partitions.
XBMC boots fine from it....but when I plug in 2 USB external drives XBMC tries to boot from one of the USB drives...

I can correct this behavior in the bios, but when I unplug and replug the drives, XBMC tries to load from the wrong drive

Can I place something on the other drives thay point back to the internal drive.

Kind regards
Guy Forssman
I seem to have the same problem with a shuttle device (though I don't really remember what model it is, this seems to be a forum for a certain type of shuttle computer?!).

In order to save power, I have a physical switch. The BIOS seems to forget its previous settings or thinks of the USB-harddrive as newly plugged in device and then thinks "ah this device is new, let's boot it" - Or its just the CMOS battery failing.

Should our problems have the same cause, then the latter is to be sorted out probably, because you don't power off(??

I will look into chain-booting if there is no fix.

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[XBMC live 10.0] Shuttle boots from wrong disk.0