Revo R3700 - help needed with remote control wake on usb
Hi, i've clean installed the latest version of XBMC on my new Revo R3700 and almost everything is working exactly as it should except for being able to turn the machine on from standby using a Harmony remote setup as a MCE remote and an MCE IR receiver. The R3700 will go into standby using the power toggle button on the remote but I am completely unable to wake it up again; when in standby if I press anything on the remote there's no sign of life from the MCE receiver (no red led lighting up). I've ensured that wake on usb is enabled in the BIOS, logged into a terminal window to check lsusb and made sure all settings are correct. The box WILL come out of standby if I attach a keyboard and press a key, but with regard to the remote I don't know where to look next. If anyone can help I'd really, really appreciate it as this is the only stumbling block in getting XBMC fully accepted by the wife.
Probably fixing something broken until it works, then fixing it some more until it breaks again.
i've just built my new r3700 and following these instructions my VRC-1100 successfully wakes the revo :

will it not wake using the remote with any/all of the usb ports enabled ?
Thanks CC, still no joy, tried all the usb ports but still no go. I'm having trouble with rc.local - the changes I make in there don't effect the status of the USB ports thus:

Device S-state Status Sysfs node
P0P1 S4 disabled pci:0000:00:1e.0
P0P4 S4 disabled pci:0000:00:1c.0
P0P5 S4 disabled
P0P6 S4 disabled pci:0000:00:1c.2
P0P7 S4 disabled pci:0000:00:1c.3
P0P8 S4 disabled
P0P9 S4 disabled
USB0 S3 disabled pci:0000:00:1d.0
USB1 S3 disabled pci:0000:00:1d.1
USB2 S3 disabled pci:0000:00:1d.2
USB3 S3 disabled pci:0000:00:1d.3
EUSB S3 disabled pci:0000:00:1d.7
Probably fixing something broken until it works, then fixing it some more until it breaks again.
I just built my R3700 system as well. I found the instructions on this page...

... solved this exact problem for me.

Under the heading "Committing to rc.local" substitute 'pico' for 'gedit'.
@highly_defined : not sure why none of the ports are working for you. rc.local is just a script that runs at boot time, so for example on my revo the following command enables wake on usb via the ir receiver :

echo "USB2" > /proc/acpi/wakeup

so i've just added this to the script before the exit statement.

@Woftam : pico and gedit are just different editors. personally i use vi.
@carrot Cruncher : sorted, i stupidly left in quotes around the USB device where I shouldn't have. Newbie error, but thanks so much for your help.
Probably fixing something broken until it works, then fixing it some more until it breaks again.

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Revo R3700 - help needed with remote control wake on usb0