[AppleTV2] SMB sharing with a Drobo-FS
dazex Wrote:PixelBomb,
From your responses, it seems like you're trying the proper method to connect. As pmcd suggested, there seems to be an issue with how Drobo has implemented the SMB protocol in their DroboShare.

What is weird is that user N3MIS15 doesn't have any problem. Very interesting.

What other protocol does Drobo-FS support? I know XBMC supports FTP. Perhaps try that protocol and see how that works out for the time being.


The DroboFS supports smb and afp. You can add a droboapp for nfs and FTP, ssh, etc ...

My DroboFS has 3 partitions. One for the droboapps, one for time machine and the 3rd which is open to everyone which contains various media files. My C200 sees the DroboFS over smb as does XBMC. But I keep getting this operation not permitted the moment I try to see what the shares are. That is, I never make it to seeing the 3 shares. A direct reference like smb://ip/drobodata/

has never worked for me with smb but does work using NFS. The path has to be accurate though.

Perhaps the droboapps and/or time machine partitions are causing a permissions' problem?

Cyberduck is a good sftp client on the Mac. Also fugo, rbrowser, the built in tools, etc...

It's a real mystery.

There is a DNLA server for the DroboFS. Perhaps that might help.

hey guys - i'm pretty new to all this, and maybe there've been some changes since the OP asked that renders all this remedial - but i'm running xbmc on an ATV1 and wanted to run video off my drobo-fs.

i went to add source -> browse -> add network location -> windows network (smb) -> server name: [name of my drobo-fs, 'drobo'] -> shared folder: [name of share where my video is, 'video'] -> OK

no IP or anything else, and it grabbed it like a charm, asked me what i wanted to use to scrape, etc, and i was playing a movie two minutes later. notably, i DO have fuppes installed as a droboapp so perhaps that made it work.

no gloating here, just happy it went went smoothly based on these other reports.

hope this helps or at least doesn't hurt... Smile
I found this since I searched for "Operation not Permitted" and "Drobo".

I'm not an ATV user, but I'm getting the same issue. I've seen from other searches that Boxee users are also getting this.

A little history first as I'm just trying to get this straight in my own head!

I use 2 XBMC installs. Until recently they were both XBMCFreak installations. Both could see the Drobo-FS via an SMB:// share with no problems and media streaming was hunkydory . I recently overhauled my Home Cinema setup and decided to give OpenElec a go. Installed and setup and all looks good. Except I now can't access the Drobo. Hook up the older XBMC install still on XBMCFreak and same problem. Win7 finds the share no probs

So what's changed? That's easy... Router. Virgin recently "upgraded" my modem for a stupahub, sorry, Superhub. In theory this thing is better than my last setup. There are more tick boxes so it must be, right? Nod

What is everyone using? The Superhub is a Netgear box with a, frankly, horrible custom Virgin firmware. I'm sure people will be using D-links and Linksys, and I don't think this is down to the Router model\manufacturer itself. Rather a setting that will be common throughout. I'm going to hook up my old router tonight and see if the problem is persistant. I know for a fact that nothing has changed on the Drobo (I forgot the password to the DroboDash so no changes there!!) If it was just the OpenElec install that failed I'd be looking there, but the XBMCFreak setup was working and now acts the same way.

My Drobo-FS has a static IP. Firewall and most features on the Router are set as standard. I need to start playing with them, but an initial look at the protocols that are enabled\blocked don't seem to have anything to do with SMB shares. I'd rather steer clear of the DMZ but we'll see what happens.

Once Data Robotics send me my new password for the Drobo I will try the NFS DroboApp. Maybe that will give me a workaround. Albeit an unnecessary one.

PS. I'd like to apologise for my use of the work hunkydory. Terrible momentary lack of control. Sorry. Blush
Hey All,

Sorry to dig up an old thread, but can I ask what kind of performance you were getting with it? Any playback issues with the large 7GB+ 1080p type files?

I'm thinking of buying one of these new Drobo 5N's that just were released.

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[AppleTV2] SMB sharing with a Drobo-FS0