DFS in 2001
Hello everyone,
I've been looking into this for quite a bit now; search yields only 4 or 5 results that span across 2004 until 2008, so I felt the urge to post this question:
is DFS supported yet? If not, will it ever be? If not, why?

I myself am looking into other options such as AMAHI but seems I have to reformat everything before using greyhole.

- gg

p.s. Whoops title meant to say 2011 LOL
It sort of is supported.

edit /etc/fstab to make a mount point for the DFS root, and then from within XBMC add a source and browse to the mount point.

From memory I think you need to install the keyutils package as well, for the dns resolver.

Then you have all the benefits of DFS within XBMC

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