How to install Nightly Builds to ATV Linux Crystal HD
Hi guys I'm a newbye Linux user.
I have installed the crystal HD ubuntu image that i have seen on this site.
I want to update the XBMC to the last nightly build that i have seen now is online....
How can i do this? I have the dharma 10.0 for now.
Can you give me the exact code for the update to the beta?

Thank you so much.
my step (SSH) will be (im running pin87's image)

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmc

But dont bother, there's no update yet. Will be available in not too long.
Thank you so much.
But in this why can I install also the nightly beta build or only the official one?
If im correct its updating when there is a nightly available in the nigtlies/directory for the linux.

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How to install Nightly Builds to ATV Linux Crystal HD0