XBMC installing skins
Hello Everyone, this is my first post as I have just got my ATV2 with XBMC installed.

I would like to try Aeon Auriga Lite for the ATV2 and like the look of all the Aeon themes. However what I would like to do isn't marrying up with my skill set or google search ability.

Could someone please be kind and tell me what I have to do with the zip file once I have downloaded it? If there are any pre-requisites it would also be handy to know these..

Thanks in advance
system -> add-on browser -> install from zip -> browse to the zip.
I am going to show you how fresh I am on the installation front..

Where is the best folder location to drop the zip too.
i have no clue about atv2, but anywhere you can browse to. it will be extracted into the correct folder, so you can wipe the zip afterwards in any case.
I only ask because when I tried to install from a zip on my Windows installation of XBMC it always failed..

I will try when I get home..
OK that didnt work it said Aeon Auriga.zip Failed to Install..

What I did was copy the zip to private/var/mobile as this seems to be the only location I can browse and then ran install from zip on the Add On menu..

It sounds so simple but I am still managing to fail! Smile

Any idea's?
The zip file was likely the wrong format. eg. it may have had different subfolders in it that XBMC isn't expecting.
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In the zip file I have there are two folders called

__MACOSX\Aeon Auriga\
Aeon Auriga\

They both have the same contents after that point...

If this correct?

Out of interest why are the AEON themes not on the predefined themes list?
That looks like the wrong format, yes. What is in the Aeon Auriga folder?

And the reason they're not in the predefined themes list is either:

1. Noone has submitted them, and/or
2. They may not pass the requirements.

Many skinners provide their own repository to make it easier to install their skins. Ask the author of your skin.

Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

I managed to get Aeon Nox installed with this method so I guess its a problem with the theme.

Aeon Nox doesn't work that well on ATV so had to revert back to Media Stream Redux. Seems to be the best mix of UI candy and performance so far for me..

Thanks for all your help

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