XBMC Live - HD6310 Driver Issues
Hey guys,

I've recently built my own HTPC and had no problems there (see below for hardware). Booted into XBMC live 10.1 and refresh rate is running at 0hz and using 'software rasterizer' instead of the onboard GPU. This is causing it to lag a lot..

After long hours of researching and no luck, I finally installed Win7 64bit onto the HTPC, then installed XBMC for windows and viola! It works great and recognises the AMD HD6310 drivers. I am able to work XBMC 10.1 in Windows, but I would much prefer to use XBMC live as I currently run an old XBMC on the original XBOX. Any help appreciated!

MB: ITX form - Gigabyte E350N-USB3 with built-in AMD Dual-core 1.6ghz E-350 processor and Radeon HD 6310.
HDD: 30GB SSD + 2TB External USB3
ODD: Blu-rayRW
Ati + Linux = not the best ideea atm.

XBMC Live is based on an older Ubuntu version, with older Ati drivers. Even if you update the drivers, you will need to get VAAPI working for hardware decoding of H.264/VC-1 videos, which is a pain in the ass atm (there are 2 threads regarding this, 1 for Intel HD graphics the other for Ati). and VAAPI support is still experimental.

Your best bet is to get a dedicated fanless GT210 low profile card and stick it into the the PCI-Express slot. and use that until Eden comes out with full VAAPI support.
Bummer. Not sure that'll work too well with my current build. The case is only a few inches high and the PSU is covering the only PCIE slot on the 6" by 6" MB (never thought CoolerMaster would do such a thing...).

Thanks heaps for your help!!. Guess I'll stick with Win7 booting directly into XBMC for now, until a newer version (with the fix I'm looking for) is out.
I have the same motherboard, and after installing the 11.2 catalyst drivers the menu's and video runs smoothly. I don't have any sound yet though, ALSA keeps complaining.
@ SpectreX

How do you know Eden comes with vaapi support? That would be great but I never heard of that before Smile
@robust - If you've installed the catalyst drivers, I take it you are running XBMC on Windows or Ubunut?

I ended up using InstantSheller so Windows boots straight into XBMC after the loading screen. It's a work around until there is an XBMC live that has support for these AMD drivers.
Having similar problem
Fresh install XBMC 10.1
Refresh rate shows 0.00
I am unable to manually change it.
The menu is very sluggish almost unusable.

Tried same hardware with Ubuntu 11.04 and XBMC
and it ran perfect. Prefer to use live version
so any assistance would be appreciated.

zotac H67-ITX- CE
4 Gig Ram
Intel i5-2300
XBMC Live 10.1
If anyone finds their way here and you are using an intel chipset with
built in graphics "Sandy Bridge" in my case i5-2300 and XBMC-Live 10.1
take a look at this post:

I found Openelec to be running much better than XBMC live. I have an Asrock E350M1/USB3 with Openelec Fusion developer build (Dharma). No problems at all with audio (using optical output) nor wtih HDMI video, smooth playback. Pre-Eden builds are also published but I haven't tried those yet.
Anyone facing problems with the Live-CD should try Openelec i.m.o., their fusion dev builds are published almost weekly, always with the latest drivers.

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