Solved Is Chorus2 left out from standard install in v20?
Is Chorus2 left out from the standard install in v20? 

I've installed v20 on both Win and macOS but no files found in the addons folder (ie webinterface.chorus2). The old webinterface.chorus works if downloaded separately.
Solved it by coping webinterface.default from the Nexus repro on Github. Still no idea why this wasn't brought in by the standard install.
(2023-01-21, 13:37)Boilerplate4U Wrote: Solved it by coping webinterface.default from the Nexus repro on Github. Still no idea why this wasn't brought in by the standard install.

Unbelievably confusing, are you talking about this one from last year that says 19x-2.4.8?
(2023-01-25, 05:25)oyoy Wrote: Unbelievably confusing, are you talking about this one from last year that says 19x-2.4.8?

OK. flexed by downloading the whole Nexus zip and replacing webinterface.default folder in Program Files\Kodi\addons. Blush
Thread marked solved.
(2023-01-25, 05:25)oyoy Wrote: Unbelievably confusing, are you talking about this one from last year that says 19x-2.4.8?
No, the Nexus one. You just need the the single directory "". Since the Github standard web interface doesn't offer directory downloads you may use the following instead that packs the entire folder into a zip-file:

Or you can get it from
Thanks, thats an option if you aware chorus2 v19-2.4.8 is a part of Nexus v20 (I wasn't) and subdir dist is to be unpacked to addons/webinterface.default.
I not sure what happened with Chorus2 as no one is actively working on it. It's perhaps by luck v19-2.4.8 is still working as I would have expected to be a v20 version number to indicate Kodi v20 compatibility.
Btw, regarding that I didn't manage to setup a working toolchain for chorus2 according to developers docs. Anyone tried it lately?
In case you don't know Chorus 2 is due to be replaced by hence why little has been done at

From what I understand, the Elm version has been a GSoC project the last couple of year but is still not quite in a state it can become the new Default.
Yeah, I read about it in the news section but wasn't aware of that version is soon to be released. Thanks for the pointer, I'll give it a try!
Thanks all.
@jjd-uk Maybe add this fix to the latest v20 Nightly version?
(2023-01-26, 16:12)Boilerplate4U Wrote: Yeah, I read about it in the news section but wasn't aware of that version is soon to be released. Thanks for the pointer, I'll give it a try!

To be honest I'm not sure what state the Elm version is either, my understanding is it was pretty close to having everything the ready, but it's all gone very quiet since September last year. So I doubt the Elm version will be added as Default anytime soon.
That's probably a correct assumption considering there hasn't been any major activity in that repo for a very long time. It also lacks documentation regarding the development environment like requirements for toolchains etc.

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Is Chorus2 left out from standard install in v20?0