Migration from Raspberry Pi to Android TV
Hi all,

I've a raspberry pi running Kodi 17.3. Everything works well except I can't view 4K movies.
I just bought an Android Tv compliant TV and was able to install Kodi with the same version.

Is there any way to copy all the configuration from my raspberry pi to my android tv ?

Thanks for answer
No. Sadly not. Btw the pi offers one of the best Kodi experiences up to 1080p. Don't be too disappointed with your Android TV.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
In fact, I found a solution:
- stop mediaserver on raspberry pi
- install ES Explorer on Android TV
- activate "Show hidden files" in ES Explorer
- access with ES Explorer to the /osmc/.kodi (I'm using OSMC dsitribution) on raspberry pi
- copy user userdata
- goto internal storage
- the go to Android/data/<install dir for Kodi>/.kodi
- replace the "userdata" folder

It's done
Not really :-( we don't support migrating settings from one of to other. Osmc uses a special skin
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
I don't use the OSMC skin, but Confluence one. Seems everything works fine after copying userdata from rpi3 to Android TV

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Migration from Raspberry Pi to Android TV0