Windows 7 frustration with DLNA servers and MKV files
Well, SMB was formally the official name for it even on Windows, but CIFS is the new name for it. XBMC will still refer to it as SMB.

You might as well jump on the latest XBMC v11 (Eden). It's on Release Candidate 2, and a final release should be coming very soon. It's more than stable enough for daily use, and it will mean you won't have to figure out the changes between v10 and v11. Just check out the beta link on the download page.

The other bonus of using a normal file sharing protocol is that XBMC will be able to use all the library features (cover art, summaries, etc) with it. XBMC can't do that with DLNA/UPnP because the file paths are dynamic (though such meta-data can be transmitted via the protocol if the DLNA server support it and has that data).

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RE: Windows 7 frustration with DLNA servers and MKV files - by Ned Scott - 2012-03-18, 20:20
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