Win Which Android tablet as XBMC remote?

Since you run windows and your builds seem to be unique you should totally use the built-in XBMC web server and Eventghost since you are windows based. Create an easy webpage to control all of your system. If you can take a look at some of the stuff I created for my home automation project, I was able to use the HTTP API commands to control XBMC and Eventghost web server which controls all my com devices. BTW the system works flawlessly in eden and dharma.

IMO would rather have an interface, rather than having to open app after app just to get something done. I am sure you have some programming skills in simple html if not I would help you out no problem and come up with something unique and functional.

I have yet to find a negative, however one of the plus sides to creating an interface is you could use your own artwork to create buttons and backgrounds and add on pretty much anything you like. Integrating your system this way can create macros using a single button, the possibilities are really endless.

I use tablets to control my home all you need is one really although I have three, They are V210 Viewsonic 10" touchscreens and I have zero complaints about the size and speed. One sits on a dock on my Living Room coffee table, another one sits in my bedroom, and the last one is wall mounted in the hallway. I can control the entire house from a tablet using a web interface that I specifically built.

Just to give you an idea.

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RE: Which Android tablet as XBMC remote? - by XMBC_FREAK - 2012-04-03, 01:01
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