Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares
(2012-04-12, 19:33)kricker Wrote: I find this patch very intriguing. This si something I have been wanting for a very long time. I plan make a build with this patch today and see how it performs.

Can you explain the <tmout>700</tmout> option a bit more? Why would we need to constantly send wake-up packets to the server?

The 'timeout' specified does not mean that a new wake-up is done at this interval.
Instead is defines the time (in seconds) of inactivity that should pass before a new wake-up is sent.
So, for as long as files are beeing accessed on the server there will not (ever) be re-sent a wake-up, the wake-up will be done after activity stops and has been idle for the time set in 'tmout'

The idea is that if you have a server that is set to go into suspend-mode after e.g 30 minutes of inactivity then you can setup XBMC to send a new wake-up if XBMC detects that no access has been done towards that server for more than e.g 25 minutes (to make sure we wake it up again)
This new wake-up will not be done just because the timer expires, instead it will be done 'just-in-time' when a file-access is done after the timer has expired.

Hope that makes it clearer?

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RE: Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares - by t4_ravenbird - 2012-04-12, 20:43
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