New Wesena ITX7 / Streacom F7C build - ODD? CPU Cooler?
(2012-04-18, 16:43)eskro Wrote: users seem to have issues with their ASrock Smart Remotes...
just a quick forum search and you'll end up on a thread
complaining about it not working fully.

but, i suggest u get just the ASROCK CIR receiver.

good for Power ON from OFF state,

then get a MCE remote package to control XBMC.

already got an MCE'mote package. I just received an email from streacom telling me both coolers were not suitable... I got a good deal on an Asrock H67M-ITX/HT board and I guess its much less of a hassle going the Intel way afterall.


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RE: New Wesena ITX7 / Streacom F7C build - ODD? CPU Cooler? - by sauc1er - 2012-04-18, 16:47
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New Wesena ITX7 / Streacom F7C build - ODD? CPU Cooler?0