[Solved] XBMC crashes whenever I interrupt video play after about 15 mins..
I'm kinda grasping at straws now (it's late Smile ) but I wonder if having multiple NFS shares (one for movies, one for tv shows, one for thumbs) could be the source of my problem? Granted, it's old post, and possibly unrelated to my issue, but see post here: http://openelec.tv/forum/47-development-...load#15621

Tomorrow's a new day, I'll be trying various experiments but any pointers/help from the XBMC team will be appreciated

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RE: XBMC crashes whenever I interrupt video play after about 15 mins.. - by darthdiablo - 2012-04-24, 07:59
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[Solved] XBMC crashes whenever I interrupt video play after about 15 mins..0