Help me decide: A6-PACK or i3-PACK
Hey Guys,

This is my first post, but I've been lurking for a while. I've been researching XBMC for the last 6 months and have cataloged my entire movie collection with EMM and am finally ready for the next step. I was dead set on one of the Zotac boxes, but I guess I've been hangin' out here too much cuz now I wanna build. I'm liking the builds based off the Antec 300-65 case, but I need some help deciding.

What's important to me:
  • Small, cool, and quiet
  • Has an "appliance" feel
  • Can run heavy skins
  • might, at some point, want to run emulators up to N64
  • might, at some point, want to run Hulu
  • might want to install a bd drive and be able to watch dvd/bluray discs
  • Must easily work with my Harmony

What's NOT important to me:
  • Full Web Browser
  • Stuff like sickbeard etc...

Here's what I have already purchased:

Case: Antec ISK 300-65
SSD: Patriot Torqx 2 32GB
Scythe SCSK-1100

Here are my questions:

1.) Between the A6-3500 and i3 2105, which runs cooler?
2.) Would the i3 need more than the provided 65w powerbrick?
3.) I hate the idea of buying and using Windows just for an HTPC - what are the advantages of Windows over OpenELEC?
- Does anyone have experience with the A6-3500 on OpenELEC? I heard the latest 2.0 beta added native XVBA support
4.) Between the A6-3500 and i3 2105, which would produce superior video quality?

If the A6 is gonna run cooler and quieter, but only works well with Windows then I'm willing to go that route (price-wise, the cost of Windows 7 and the extra cost of the intel hardware even out anyways). But otherwise, I love the idea of OpenELEC. But if the Intel graphics also have issues with OpenELEC then I mind as well go with the A6/Windows.

Mostly I'm just looking for all the pros and cons between the A6-3500 and i3 2105 (and windows vs Open ELEC)



Messages In This Thread
Help me decide: A6-PACK or i3-PACK - by Riskey - 2012-05-03, 23:52
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Help me decide: A6-PACK or i3-PACK0