Embed plugin inside script
I think it's pretty much assumed that if you're creating your own window that you want full control. With using the plugin methods, you're giving up 99% of the control of the look and feel to the skin.

You can only pass strings between instances of scripts or plugins. If you can't do it any other way, you can pickle the object in one instance, pass the resulting string to the next instance and unpickle it there.

That being said, if you could clarify exactly what you need to do that you can't do from an addon, maybe we can find a way around it

Messages In This Thread
Embed plugin inside script - by bossanova808 - 2012-05-08, 05:22
RE: Embed plugin inside script - by Bstrdsmkr - 2012-05-08, 05:44
RE: Embed plugin inside script - by Bstrdsmkr - 2012-05-08, 06:44
RE: Embed plugin inside script - by spiff - 2012-05-08, 08:19
RE: Embed plugin inside script - by Bstrdsmkr - 2012-05-08, 09:02
RE: Embed plugin inside script - by Bstrdsmkr - 2012-05-09, 05:02
RE: Embed plugin inside script - by Bstrdsmkr - 2012-05-09, 05:48
RE: Embed plugin inside script - by Nuka1195 - 2012-05-09, 13:48
RE: Embed plugin inside script - by spiff - 2012-05-09, 14:28
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