How to make smart playlist to "Eden" home menu item
Oh....My god
i found the problem!!!!...its root cause is from path is wrong.....
but i don't know why first click into item is work fine?
this's my original path :
PHP Code:
this code will make first click work fine, but back to home menu and go into again will be empty.

Now correct my path as below
PHP Code:
this code make perfect whatever you click.....
i'm so stupid that the solution was mentioned by bluenote posted from my thread=.=.....i just didn't understand what is his problem....XD...
now, i'll thank bluenote, you're right!!
PS. If you want to know the correct special path in your XBMC, pls see bluenote post on this thread. [/php]

(2012-05-06, 09:29)adsi Wrote: Anyone know how to solve below problem? thanks.

(2012-05-02, 13:15)adsi Wrote: hi mad-max

I found a problem with this method, that's when "multiple" smart plasylist building,
and after your method modify IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml, the first time you click,
the view would be fine, then back to menu and try to second click, the view would
be empty in the list? single smart playlist(just no multiple) doesn't have this issue,
do you know how to solve it?

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by mad-max - 2012-01-11, 09:21
[No subject] - by adsi - 2012-01-11, 09:53
[No subject] - by mad-max - 2012-01-11, 11:33
[No subject] - by adsi - 2012-01-12, 11:35
[No subject] - by mad-max - 2012-01-12, 11:47
[No subject] - by adsi - 2012-01-12, 12:07
[No subject] - by adsi - 2012-01-12, 12:27
[No subject] - by mad-max - 2012-01-12, 12:51
[No subject] - by adsi - 2012-01-14, 05:17
RE: How to make smart playlist to "Eden" home menu item - by adsi - 2012-05-09, 14:11
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