Antec ISK 300-150 DESKTOP A8-3850 (non-HTPC)
(2012-05-23, 22:01)Beer40oz Wrote: Pasoa2021 Yes! but for HTPC.... all you need is the A6-3500.... if you are going to multitask then the A8.....
And the A6-3500 is 65W .....

Doing this new build as I mentioned for my Desktop.... it is overkill for HTPC..... and I don't still know how the noise is going to be.... but if it's all GOOD.... then yes you can have this as your HTPC.....

Big Grin No big deal..... but maybe get 4 gigs and a 32gig ssd and so on....

The options are endless.....

The A6-PACK is a winner for HTPC.....

What about light gamging / emulators on A6-Pack?


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RE: Antec ISK 300-150 DESKTOP A8-3850 (non-HTPC) - by Pasoa2021 - 2012-05-23, 23:02
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Antec ISK 300-150 DESKTOP A8-3850 (non-HTPC)2