XBMC MAL Updater Plugin
Meh, being root shouldn't matter, other than it being a mildly dangerous decision to run anything as root (which I'm sure you already know).

It's designed to attempt a login when it first starts up, and if it fails to keep trying until it succeeds, once every 5 minutes, a maximum of 6 times. If that works, then great! it'll go about it's merry way. If it doesn't, then meh, it'll stop trying and quit.

I did notice, though, that it's much more complex than it seems to get the add-on running as it is now, so I need to re-think a few things. Most notably, the setup script. Here's the step-by-step guide, which I'll throw on the wiki page eventually:

Step 1) Download and install the add-on.
Step 2) Configure your username and password. Don't run setup just yet.
Step 3) Restart XBMC.
Step 4) Now go in and run setup.
Step 5) It should work now.
(Let's see if strikeout code works! See edit below...)

Ideally, what I should do is error out /and stop trying/ if no username and password is found on startup, or if it's invalid, requiring the user to go into the configuration screen and edit their user and password. Then I need to move the setup script somewhere other than the configuration screen so that the new user and pass are saved by hitting OK before the setup script runs. Then, after the setup script runs, it needs to check to see if xbmal is already running, and if not, start it. That would probably work best.

Looks like I'm working on 0.4 tonight. Incidently, I just committed version 0.3.3 to the xbmal repository, and will post the zip in the repo in a few minutes. Thanks for helping me out with this.


Well, version 0.4 is out and in the repository. You might need to force an update for the repository to see it, otherwise it should update on it's own. I would recommend uninstalling and reinstalling, though, as the new version changes things up a little bit. Most notably, the convoluted setup procedure is now fixed, to some extent! To setup xbmal now:
1) Install from the zip or the repository (use the repo if you want automatic updates)
2) Configure your username and password.
3) Run the addon like you would any other - by finding it in the appropriate menu (in Alaska Revisited, it's under Apps). This will run the setup script and generate the XML file.
You're done! Once you exit the setup script, XBMAL will automatically start listening. In addition, it will automatically start listening every time xbmc is started.

If you still notice any issues (particularly with logging in), let me know. Also, I'm not sure why xbmc was running so hard for you with xbmal running. I don't notice anything, but it might just be me.

Finally, it seems I forgot to mention it earlier, but the 401 error code we were receiving was what I was looking for, it indicates a bad username or password from MAL (with a 503 being a rate-limiting issue). However, it may have been trying to submit a blank user and password, which would obviously fail. Hopefully the blank-string checks added in 0.3.3 will help.

Messages In This Thread
XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-03-18, 04:26
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-05-24, 01:35
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-05-26, 11:16
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-05-26, 12:20
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-05-26, 16:08
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-05-26, 22:52
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-05-27, 17:06
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-05-30, 02:07
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-05-30, 16:41
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-05-30, 16:58
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-05-31, 01:09
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-05-31, 01:49
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-05-31, 03:39
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-05-31, 03:42
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-05-31, 03:53
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-05-31, 16:33
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-05-31, 20:42
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-06-01, 01:58
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-06-01, 02:07
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-06-01, 16:35
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-06-01, 16:57
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2012-06-02, 07:39
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-06-04, 15:29
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by tevi - 2012-07-15, 21:58
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-07-16, 15:32
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by tevi - 2012-07-16, 19:58
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-07-16, 20:25
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by tevi - 2012-07-16, 22:56
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-07-16, 23:23
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by tevi - 2012-07-17, 04:13
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2012-07-18, 16:13
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by MasterCATZ - 2014-09-12, 23:15
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2014-09-13, 17:42
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by marhutchy - 2015-07-05, 01:13
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by FevLoad - 2015-10-24, 21:00
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by marhutchy - 2015-10-24, 21:37
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2016-06-24, 03:33
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by Zvon - 2018-01-07, 15:10
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by kuroshi - 2018-01-07, 19:48
RE: XBMC MAL Updater Plugin - by Zvon - 2018-01-18, 23:58
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