$1,000 HTPC: If you wanna good laugh read this article
(2012-06-01, 22:13)teaguecl Wrote: If there's one thing I've learned in the xbmc forums, it's that everyone has different wants/needs. I personally want a small/silent htpc that runs Linux and will play videos from my NAS. Others (like Sarif at Engadget) want something else - specifically the exact opposite! What I love about XBMC is that there is no single vendor demanding that things be done one way or the other - we all set up our systems to be the right balance of features/cost/convenience for our own situations. Thanks again to all the XBMC developers (past and present) and the community here on the forums for giving us these options.

Good post!!!


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RE: $1,000 HTPC: If you wanna good laugh read this article - by poofyhairguy - 2012-06-02, 02:18
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