Release Universal Scraper for Music Albums
Thanks for noticing and reporting this. This was due to a bug fixed in scraper v1.0.1 (Do force refresh to quicken up the update).
...and thank you in the name of the community for adding allmusic links to MusicBrainz Smile Keep up the spitit! (you can actually easily enable the scraper to fetch album reviews from allmusic if you want - just look at resources/settings.xml in the scraper folder).

For the second workaround we spoke about above, open up 'albumuniversal.xml' and change the following lines:
line 15:
            <RegExp input="$$1" output="&lt;entity&gt;&lt;year&gt;\5-\4-T#\6&lt;/year&gt;&lt;artist&gt; \3 &lt;/artist&gt;&lt;title&gt; \2 &lt;/title&gt;&lt;url cache=&quot;mb-\1-album.xml&quot;&gt;\1?inc=recordings+release-groups+artists+labels+ratings&lt;/url&gt;&lt;/entity&gt;" dest="5">

and line 18:
            <RegExp input="$$1" output="&lt;entity&gt;&lt;year&gt;\5-\4-T#\6&lt;/year&gt;&lt;artist&gt; \3 &lt;/artist&gt;&lt;title&gt; \2 &lt;/title&gt;&lt;url cache=&quot;mb-\1-album.xml&quot;&gt;\1?inc=recordings+release-groups+artists+labels+ratings&lt;/url&gt;&lt;/entity&gt;" dest="5+">

or in short, just insert a space character in both lines before and after both '\3' and '\2'.
If you do this, the scraper will NOT find anything automatically, but if you do a manual refresh, it will show you a list of releases to select from.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Release] Universal Scraper for Music Albums - by olympia - 2012-06-10, 08:37
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