Aeon Nox 3.0: Movie Extras/Bonus Features - How to add them to your setup.
(2012-06-14, 20:51)thrak76 Wrote: I don't remember what thread I read this in, but if the extras were named in the same manner as trailers -


Then all the extras could be contained within the same folder as the movie. This kind of defeats all the work we put into the cool episode views for the extras though. I wonder if an extras button in the infoscreen could then bring up an episode viewtype (or similar) screen where the extras could be scrolled through?

My only questions are how would you tell which extra you're watching and how would you select the one you want?

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RE: Aeon Nox 3.0: Movie Extras/Bonus Features - How to add them to your setup. - by Deano316 - 2012-06-14, 20:55
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Aeon Nox 3.0: Movie Extras/Bonus Features - How to add them to your setup.2