Release MyPicsDB: Pictures DB with EXIF, IPTC & XMP tags
Your questions 1 and 3 are related to Aeon Nox skin.

For question 1, Glass display landscape and portrait pictures with no rescale.

For question 3, Glass refresh widgets each time you go back to Home menu.

For question 2, for now, the script only return the name, the date and the full path of the picture. It's easy to add a new propertie containing the folder name but you will have to ask to skinner to display this information in widget. And I don't know if widgets are bigger enought to display those informations.
Sorry for my english, but, you know, I'm French so ...

Main HTPC : Odroid-C2 running CoreELEC with Titan Bingie
Secondary HTPC : Freebox Mini 4K running Android TV with Titan Bingie

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RE: [RELEASE] MyPicsDB: Pictures DB with EXIF, IPTC & XMP tags - by mikebzh44 - 2012-06-15, 10:10
Beta Testers needed - by Xycl - 2012-11-06, 12:14
Filter / TAG Question ? - by knutklo - 2015-04-07, 16:38
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MyPicsDB: Pictures DB with EXIF, IPTC & XMP tags1