Win HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC

I haven't try the latest XBMC+AE. I know some version of Nightly builds I tried were stuttering, but the HD audio version in the first post work fine for me.

Have you try these configurations?

1. Enable DXVA2 and use DXVA as renther method, but disable everything else in XBMC settings/video/playback
2. Disable "Use a fullscreen window rather than true fullscreen" in XBMC settings/system/video output
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>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!

Messages In This Thread
HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC - by bluray - 2012-04-10, 23:47
RE: How to Bitstreaming using XBMC......... - by bluray - 2012-07-01, 17:36
RE: HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC - by Zizou - 2014-08-11, 13:58
RE: HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC - by Zizou - 2014-08-11, 17:02
RE: HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC - by Zizou - 2014-08-12, 08:14
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HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC8