Release Universal Scraper for Music Albums

I am sure you feel I am responsive to requests which make sense or bugs which needs to be fixed.
So when I am saying no, then you should accept that and being a little bit more grateful than you are in overall (e.g. I am pretty sure no one use the amazon scraper except you, but I did it for you in no time, no?) and don't start bitching about it trying to explain me things or using an argument like what universal means.

There are some technical reasons or you could call it limitations to the scraper framework which don't allow you to do this, but there is also a logical one which you should figure without having me in between to explain. On MusicBrainz there are a couple of releases from the same release-group which we scrape. How the hell you would ensure that you scrape the same release e.g. from where there is only available one?

I know that you are contributing and adding links to MusicBrainz and maybe you do other stuff and thank you for this, but there are others who do a lot more (including Martijn or myself), so don't start discusing about efforts here. Some contribution doesn't entitle you for being ungrateful here.

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RE: [Release] Universal Scraper for Music Albums - by olympia - 2012-07-06, 14:58
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Universal Scraper for Music Albums7