Win One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC
Ok.. I see a bug. No idea how this didn't happen during my testing when I released the Handbrake compression version, but I definitely see it now. Thank you for helping me troubleshoot this.

Fix will be ready soon.
(2012-08-06, 20:55)Aros Wrote:
(2012-08-06, 20:05)Spinalcrack Wrote: That does seem very strange. The way the script works is it rips to your drive with a file called title0.mkv, when it's finished it renames that file with the volume name of the disc which should also be the folder name. The only time it should delete a file is if compression is turned on. This is because when it re-encodes the file it makes a new file during the encoding process and then deletes the original when done.

If handbrake is turned on in AutoRipDVD.bat but handbrake is not actually installed it will fail on the re-encode but continue to delete the original file. The encoding section will only be called if that is set to encode in the options, otherwise it should never make it to that section of the code.

So if it's deleting the file with handbrake turned off, then something is up. Is there enough space on your drive? Something silly like that.

Can you please do two things. One, do a disc rip by running AutoRipDVD.bat from a terminal window to see if it gives any errors while running. Two, paste your AutoRipDVD.bat file here so I can take a look at it.

I'm ripping as we speak and here is my .bat for you to look at in the meantime.

Aros, Please copy the code below and use it to replace everything in the AutoRipDVD.bat file. This should resolve your problem.

@Echo offSetlocal enableextensions
::*** AutoRipDVD is brought to you by Spinalcracker
::***  Change the following variables to match your setup
::*** DriveLetter=The drive letter of your DVD or Blu-Ray drive ie. D: or G: etc
Set DriveLetter=E:
::*** RipDir=Where you want your DVD ripped to ie. your xbmc movie folder *BE SURE TO INCLUDE TRAILING \
Set RipDir=V:\Filmer\
::*** IntDir=Where you installed MakeMKV to
Set IntDir=C:\Program Files\MakeMKV
::*** ScriptPath=Where the files for this script are located with trailing "\" ie. Where AutoRipComplete.vbs & Beep.vbs are located *BE SURE TO INCLUDE TRAILING \
Set ScriptPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\
::*** RipMinSeconds=Minimum time in seconds that should be ripped off disk to avoid getting previews etc.  Default is 3600 seconds or 1 hour
Set RipMinSeconds=3600
::*** Using Handbrake to compress - Yes or No?
Set Handbrake=No
::*** Sets the install path to handbrake
Set Handbrakepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Handbrake\
::*** Sets the level of compression in Handbrake so unless you really know what you are doing, do NOT adjust this next setting!
Set X264=b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:me=umh:bframes=5:ref=6:direct=auto:trellis=2:subq=10:psy-rd=1.0,0.10:analyse=all
::*** Sets the format of the new compressed file, so again, unless you know what you are doing, please leave it as mkv!
Set FORMAT=--optimize --format mkv
::*** Sets the quality to something visually appealing but in a small files size - play with this if your outcome isn't to your liking
Set QUALITY=--ab 64 --mixdown mono --quality 23 -e x264 -x %X264%
::*** Sets the output to 720p resolution - change if you prefer something else
Set SIZE=--width 1280 --height 720
::******* DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS!!!!!!************************************************

::For /f %%# In ('Mountvol^|Findstr [d-z]:\\') Do (
::        Fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%#|Find "CD-ROM">Nul&&(Set "CDROM=%%~d#"))
::If Not Defined CDROM call :NoDrive

for /f "tokens=1-5*" %%1 in ('vol %DriveLetter%') do (
    set volid=%%6 & goto processcontd

set nospace=%volid%
echo [%nospace%]
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%A in ('echo %nospace% ') do set nospace=%%A
set nospace=%nospace:~0,-1%
echo [%nospace%]
set volid=%nospace%
echo: %volid%

set str=%volid%
set str=%str:_= %
set volid=%str%
If "%volid%"=="_= " call :NoDrive

Echo:Ripping %volid% now...

mkdir "%RipDir%%volid%"

cd /d "%ScriptPath%"

cd /d "%IntDir%"
makemkvcon64.exe --minlength=%RipMinSeconds% mkv disc:0 all "%RipDir%%volid%"

SET _tmpPath="%RipDir%%volid%"
cd /d %_tmpPath%
for %%i in ("title*.mkv") do (set fname=%%i) & call :rename

If %Handbrake%==Yes call :HBEncode

cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cscript Beep.vbs

cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cscript Beep.vbs

cd /d "%Handbrakepath%"
HandBrakeCLI -v0 -i "%RipDir%%volid%" -o "%RipDir%%volid%\%volid% 720p.mkv" %FORMAT% %QUALITY% %SIZE%
cd /d %_tmpPath%
del "%volid%_*.mkv"

::Cuts off 1st 5 characters of fname, then appends prefix
ren %fname% "%volid%"_%fname:~5%

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[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-03-01, 06:38
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - by Spinalcrack - 2012-08-06, 21:24
*** Major Bug Fix *** - by Spinalcrack - 2012-08-06, 21:42
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One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC9