Win One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC
Well, before I used your new .bat I installed Handbrake and the MKV did not get deleted, so the problem was properly the lack of Handbrake.

BUT there is still the issue of the DVD title. Here's the content of my cmd.exe after running the (old) autoripdvd.bat:

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>autoripdvd.bat
offSetlocal enableextensions

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set DriveLetter=E:

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set RipDir=V:\Filmer\

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set IntDir=C:\Program Files\MakeMKV\

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set ScriptPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipD

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set RipMinSeconds=3600

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set Handbrake=No

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set Handbrakepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Handb

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set X264=b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:me=umh:bfra

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set FORMAT=--optimize --format mkv

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set QUALITY=--ab 64 --mixdown mono --quality 2
3 -e x264 -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:me=umh:bframes=5:ref=6:direct=auto:trelli

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set SIZE=--width 1280 --height 720

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>for /F "tokens=1-5*" %1 in ('vol ') do (set vo
lid=%6   & goto processcontd )

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>(set volid=ingen etikett.   & goto processcont
d )

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set nospace=ingen etikett.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo [ingen etikett. ]
[ingen etikett. ]

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>for /F "tokens=* delims= " %A in ('echo ingen
etikett. ') do set nospace=%A

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set nospace=ingen etikett.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set nospace=ingen etikett.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo [ingen etikett.]
[ingen etikett.]

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set volid=ingen etikett.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo: ingen etikett.
ingen etikett.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set str=ingen etikett.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo.ingen etikett.
ingen etikett.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set str=ingen etikett.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo.ingen etikett.
ingen etikett.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set volid=ingen etikett.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>If "ingen etikett." == "_= " call :NoDrive

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Echo:Ripping ingen etikett. now...
Ripping ingen etikett. now...

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>mkdir "V:\Filmer\ingen etikett."

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\"

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>OSDAutoRip.hta

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>cd /d "C:\Program Files\MakeMKV\"

C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>makemkvcon.exe --minlength=3600 mkv disc:0 all "V:\Film
er\ingen etikett."
MakeMKV v1.7.6 win(x86-release) startades
Anv+Ònder direkt +—tkomstl+Òge
Titel #0 har lagts till (16 cell(er), 2:17:10)
Titel #1 har en l+Òngd p+— 525 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 36
00 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #2 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #3 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #4 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #5 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #6 har en l+Òngd p+— 11 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
+‡tg+Òrden har framg+—ngsrikt slutf+¬rts
Sparar 1 titel till mapp V:\Filmer\ingen etikett.
1 titel sparades
Kopiering klar. 1 titel sparades.

C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>_tmpPath="V:\Filmer\ingen etikett."
_tmpPath ‰r inte ett internt kommando, externt kommando,
program eller kommandofil.

C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>cd /d
Felaktig syntax fˆr filnamn, katalognamn eller volymetikett.

C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>for %i in ("title*.mkv") do (set fname=%i )  & call :re

C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>If No == Yes call :HBEncode

C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\"

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>AutoRipComplete.vbs

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>cscript Beep.vbs
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Med ensamr‰tt.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>goto:eof

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>

I will try and translate:

"C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>_tmpPath="V:\Filmer\ingen etikett."
_tmpPath ‰r inte ett internt kommando, externt kommando,
program eller kommandofil."

= _tmpPath is not a internal command, external command, program och command file.

"C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>cd /d
Felaktig syntax fˆr filnamn, katalognamn eller volymetikett."

= Wrong syntax for filename, directory name or volume label.

The foldername is still "etiketten + THE NAME OF THE DVD" and the MKV-file name is "title00.mkv".


Using the new .bat file the ripped filename is now "etiketten FILMMAPP_00.mkv" where FILMMAPP is the name of the DVD

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[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2011-07-10, 23:22
New forum member is here - by Geatteevold - 2012-08-23, 03:11
[No subject] - by Johnnovision - 2011-07-12, 22:39
[No subject] - by patm95 - 2011-07-13, 05:03
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2011-07-13, 05:40
[No subject] - by realjobe - 2011-07-13, 13:30
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2011-07-13, 14:20
[No subject] - by publicENEMY - 2011-12-09, 04:40
RE: - by apr0mpt - 2013-01-16, 23:53
[No subject] - by Valdysses - 2012-02-25, 19:17
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-02-26, 00:30
[No subject] - by cank - 2012-02-26, 21:32
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-02-26, 23:45
[No subject] - by cank - 2012-02-27, 03:31
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-02-27, 03:52
any news? - by TheOutlawEzE - 2012-02-28, 07:44
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-02-28, 15:34
Updated version - by Spinalcrack - 2012-02-29, 06:46
[No subject] - by TheOutlawEzE - 2012-03-01, 06:24
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-03-01, 06:38
*** Major Bug Fix *** - by Spinalcrack - 2012-08-06, 21:42
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - by Aros - 2012-08-06, 22:00
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One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC9