Win Annoying monitor switching, can this be stopped?
(2012-08-10, 11:07)Memphiz Wrote: make your guisettings.xml readonly once you have the wanted setup.
Ahh! I was hoping this wasn't the answer, I like to tinker with it sometimes.

(2012-08-10, 12:58)Ned Scott Wrote: This might work, but I'm not entirely sure. It should have the same effect as what Memphiz suggested above, but would only lock the screen selection:

place this an an advancedsettings.xml (wiki) file in the userdata (wiki) folder:


and I think:
0 = first screen
1 = second screen
2 = third screen

This works! I think a little while ago I went digging around through the wiki to see if this setting existed and couldn't find it. Thanks very much for pointing it out.

Now, let's see what else I can mess with in advancedsettings *grubs hands*


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RE: Annoying monitor switching, can this be stopped? - by DoctorDyna - 2012-08-10, 13:12
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