Linux HOOK's Extended unRAID (NAS / APPSW / VMHosting)
(2012-08-29, 10:34)Beer40oz Wrote: Cool new set up man.... love your case. You seen the DF-85?

About to get that for an unraid build.... Wink but it's not for me.

Hehe we keep upgrading and it never stops eh..... nice to see your new build. Nod

I get about 35-40 MB/s constant with out a cache drive... awesome to see you get 70 MB/s...

Man... I was gonna get that case but it was too expensive.. almost 3x as much as i paid for the DF-35. BUT...yours will hold more drives, I believe 3 more to be exact and it is quite gorgeous with those red LED fans. We have gotta keep upgrading bro, it's the nature of the beast. Hope the DF-85 build works out great!! FYI, the cooler-master drive cage fits perfect in these cases.

Yes... the addition of the cache drive has improved my TX speeds almost 4x... Here are the results transferring a file to a share that uses cache and a share that does not:

Without cache drive...


With cache drive...


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RE: HOOK's Extended unRAID upgrade - by SSDD - 2012-08-28, 22:09
RE: HOOK's Extended unRAID upgrade - by CpTHOOK - 2012-08-29, 18:29
RE: HOOK's Extended unRAID upgrade - by Harro - 2012-08-31, 22:54
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HOOK's Extended unRAID (NAS / APPSW / VMHosting)2