Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares
It was built straight from main as of 09/09/2012. Go to your system info and look at the version installed. The numbers after the - will coincide with the first numbers of the latest commit.

Chances are I will be making a new build sometime today though.

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by vexation - 2012-03-01, 17:10
[No subject] - by t4_ravenbird - 2012-03-01, 20:45
[No subject] - by Vascular - 2012-03-02, 15:29
[No subject] - by t4_ravenbird - 2012-03-02, 15:42
[No subject] - by regnets - 2012-03-08, 20:05
[No subject] - by Dam0 - 2012-03-09, 13:41
RE: Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares - by kricker - 2012-09-11, 17:16
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Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares4