[RELEASE] Spotimc: Another Spotify music addon
Quote:Mmm, will have to look if it's related to local proxy server issues.

BTW, I'm totally unaware of how XBMC and remotes talk each other, so how do you get back the provided image? XBMC sends back a full path (presumably the full url of the image), or you get the cached image's id that can be fetched later by querying a specific json method?

The way to get images is different in Eden and Frodo.

In Eden the thumbnail should contain the local cache value like special://....... that remote then get from vfs who permit direct access to this.
In Frodo they now use a special image:// handler that will check the thumb database to send the corresponding cached image.

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[No subject] - by alex84 - 2012-03-09, 18:38
[No subject] - by jabba_29 - 2012-03-10, 14:32
[No subject] - by jolid - 2012-03-10, 16:53
[No subject] - by mazkolain - 2012-03-10, 20:17
[No subject] - by Jönke - 2012-03-10, 23:41
[No subject] - by mortstar - 2012-03-11, 01:38
RE: - by mazkolain - 2012-03-12, 22:00
RE: - by mortstar - 2012-03-13, 01:41
RE: - by Bendecks - 2012-03-28, 15:38
[No subject] - by zuditechguy - 2012-03-11, 03:16
[No subject] - by Jönke - 2012-03-11, 09:01
[No subject] - by johnnyvibrant - 2012-03-11, 10:07
RE: - by joymyr - 2012-03-12, 22:19
RE: - by mazkolain - 2012-03-13, 15:34
RE: - by bckane - 2012-04-04, 01:25
My experience with Spotimc - by Jan-Erik - 2012-04-07, 16:09
RE: [RELEASE] Spotimc: Another Spotify music addon - by Tolriq - 2012-09-18, 07:55
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[RELEASE] Spotimc: Another Spotify music addon32