Shuttle XS35GT-V3 - fanless, AMD 7410m, ATOM D2700
interesting... i dont have any issues at all playing 1080p in xbmc, i do notice a little lag in vlc playing 1080p only.
My config is Windows 7 32 bit, 4 GB ram, and 320GB HDD with blueray device.
I used the software off the CD, but downloaded the newest firmware (i was having RAM/display issues before the update), i suspect my version of the driver is NOT the current version! ill update with driver details!
My movie files are running off an external USB drive, how are you trying to play content? locally off your SSD? or LAN/wireless?

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RE: Shuttle XS35GT-V3 - fanless, AMD 7410m, ATOM D2700 - by bobobobo51 - 2012-09-29, 14:55
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Shuttle XS35GT-V3 - fanless, AMD 7410m, ATOM D27000