[WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox2
Now i have compiled official version of xbmc, margros XBMC, xbmc xvba version and tried official version of pvr addon and margros all versions of pvr addons. I have tried clearing whole .xbmc dir andt tried configure again and nothing helps. It's crashing always so something is really fucked up here hmmms.
And it's not something else because if i remove all pvr addons XBMC works as it should.
Intel Core i5 2320 8GB 500GB HDD - Tvheadend + Kodi, Raspberry Pi 3 - LibreELEC, HDHomeRun HDHR3-4DC, Epson TW3200, Pioneer VSX-1123

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RE: [WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox2 - by Leatherface - 2012-10-03, 18:21
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[WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox217