Win HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
(2012-10-26, 16:19)hennings Wrote: Alright, so I finally broke down and ordered parts for my HTPC. I totally overlooked the onboard audio chipset, which I just noticed is made by VIA.

The parts haven't arrived yet, and if the following hardware (or their drivers) is going to cause issues, I'll send it back without opening it, and find a different motherboard. DTS-HDMA bitstreaming is a very important to me.

CPU: Intel Core i3-3225, Intel HD 4000
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD3H, Audio chipset is VIA VT2021
Probably not important, but the receiver is a Denon AVR-1610

Also, the comptuer will be running Windows 8 to take advantage of the Storage Spaces feature and faster boot times.
You should be able to bit stream HD audio with Intel HD4000 with ease. You can simply connects it this way- Onboard HDMI output-->Denon AVR-1610 HDMI input-->HDTV HDMI input via 2 HDMI cables......

>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!

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HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC - by bluray - 2012-04-10, 23:47
RE: How to Bitstreaming using XBMC......... - by bluray - 2012-10-26, 16:50
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RE: HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC - by Zizou - 2014-08-11, 17:02
RE: HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC - by Zizou - 2014-08-12, 08:14
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