Win [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued
(2012-10-25, 12:45)cdonnie Wrote: My man... My man... Nice work! Smile

Viaplay Danmark
Windows 7 Ultimate X86
XBMC Plugin - Shows covers and titles perfect

When the script runs, it opens Internet Explorer, and then i have too login manually.

Can i somehow change it, too open in chrome ?

I tried changing the default browser too chrome, but no succes

Keep up the good work!

You should be able to change this by editing the Playercorefactory.xml,
This xml-file is created by the add-on.

You will find this xml-file in the userdata folder, which you will find if you type "%appdata%\xbmc\userdata".

Below is the content of the xml-file.
If you change the filename part to the path of Chrome and change the args part "-k" to "--kiosk" it should work.
But please note that the automatic login will not work since this functionality is only available if you use viaplaylauncher.exe which is
a program that I have written which hosts a Internet Explorer web browser and this gives me some control over the login procedure.

<player name="IE" type="ExternalPlayer">
<args>-k "{1}"</args>
<rules action="prepend">
<rule name="html" filetypes="html" player="IE" />

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RE: [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay (Sweden, Denmark) - by MDDSD - 2012-10-26, 21:12
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[Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued9