Win [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued
(2012-11-17, 18:31)sensmoral Wrote: Thanks for a great add-on!

Just one request though. As it is now it seems that automatic shutdown when idle is activated when I watch anything on viaplay, that is xbmc doesn't seem to recognize that something is running an shutdown after the set time for auto shutdown. Can this be fixed somehow?


Thanks Smile

I think I might be able to solve your problem.
When playback is launched either by starting viaplaylauncher.exe or the default browser I could make the add-on wait for the viaplaylauncher program or web browser to end.
This would at least in theory make the add-on active and should stop XBMC to shutdown.

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RE: [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay (Sweden, Denmark) - by MDDSD - 2012-11-18, 21:50
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[Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued9