Release Universal Scraper for Music Albums
My library is stored on a NAS server and accessed via nfs from the XBMC server, which is running the Froto beta on ubuntu 12.10. The directory path looks like this to xbmc: nfs:/<ipAddress>/c/mp3/artist/album/songs.... I have about 200 albums in this directory structure. XBMC will play any selected song through this mount. XBMC has write permissions to this directory tree. I am useing the default Universal Scraper for Music Albums. When I scroll through the library, I only find art for about 4 albums. This art is embedded in the mp3 tag of every song on those album. I need to know what this scraper is looking for at the album level to source the artwork.

I have read this scraper uses the mp3 tag Artist and elswhere that it used the Album Artist tag.
As a test, I selected one of the albums that had no mp3 id tags. With TagScanner v5.1 I added the correct tag for both Artist and Album Artist to every song in the album. Then I selected "Scan item to library" at the Artest level in the directory structure. This did not find any artwork for the test album.

Can someone please tell me what is required for this scraper to find the album / cd cover art?
Where can I find the details (naming convention and content) of the nfo files discussed here?
Where is this art stored?

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RE: [Release] Universal Scraper for Music Albums - by godfreydanials - 2012-11-19, 22:25
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