Req "Add to Tag" option from context menu
IMO keymappable actions are very non-intuitive because there is no place in the GUI that will tell you "if you press key X, it will do Y". The same already applies to e.g. the context menu action. There's no way for a new xbmc user to know that he can bring up the context menu by pressing C without going to the wiki to find it out or by pressing all the buttons on his remote/keyboard and see what happens. Right-clicking on a mouse is a different kettle of fish because users are used to opening a context-aware menu through right-clicking on a mouse.

That doesn't mean that such an action couldn't be keymappable but IMO there should be a way to access it through the GUI without having to know about some special key-press combination.
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RE: "Add to Tag" option from context menu - by Montellese - 2012-12-18, 13:37
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