[RELEASED]: MCE Live TV (and MCE Netflix) XBMC Integration
Thanks for your post Zellig,

I recently purchased a HDHomerun Prime and was looking for a good way to integrate WMC TV functions into XBMC and this works great. There has been a few suggestions on how to close WMC and return to XBMC. Here is a very simply way I have found and seems to work great using an AutoHotKey script which I also use to map several other hotkeys to other commands to take me directly to XBMC, WMC, Netflix, etc. Below is a sample from my script.

F7:: ; MCE Green Button to start XBMC
IfWinExist XBMC
Run C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\XBMC.exe
WinWait XBMC
IfWinExist, Windows Media Center
WinClose ;

!F4:: ; Use Alt F4 to Close Windows Media Center and return to XBMC
IfWinExist, Windows Media Center
WinClose ;

IfWinExist XBMC
Run C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\XBMC.exe
WinWait XBMC

I was wondering if anyone can help me figure out how to add a Custom Menu option like in Zellig's youtube example where it shows clicking on Watch and it brings up a submenu of favorites? I am currently using Aeon Nox 3.6 and I understand how to create custom menus, but it seems to require you to set up a widget and I don't see any option to just show submenus. If I choose none for the widget then it doesn't even show up in my main menu. Thanks in advance for any help.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [RELEASED]: MCE Live TV (and MCE Netflix) XBMC Integration - by dmccoy - 2012-12-21, 19:54
MCENetflix Experience - by RobbieWilkes - 2013-07-14, 21:25
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[RELEASED]: MCE Live TV (and MCE Netflix) XBMC Integration1