[Release] DVBViewer Recording Service PVR
Hello people,

my English is not very good im German guy Wink

I installed the addon etc.
But could someone give me ne instructions as everything needs to be set?
Because I do not work at all stations, and switch when I want the picture freezes and it's nothing.
The switching times until he takes a picture takes a long time

Messages In This Thread
New Version of PVR.Addon?? - by tvfreak - 2012-12-02, 18:20
RE: [Release] DVBViewer Recording Service PVR - by Godf@th3r - 2012-12-29, 17:40
Wrong channel name - by Highjack - 2013-04-27, 19:16
Cannot connect to dvbviewer... - by blion - 2014-11-22, 12:34
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[Release] DVBViewer Recording Service PVR12