Win [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued
(2013-01-01, 03:29)VortexDK Wrote: I think I might have found the reason for the missing remote input. As I have installed the registry file I mentioned earlier, where the input from the remote is turned into simple keyboard inputs that XBMC understands without any other program.

since windows now converts my remote inputs to non stard values, the AHK script and mceremotehandler.exe never recieves any inputs for it to use. I have looked in your AHK script but I'm not able to figure out where the values used for detecting inputs come from. for example this line:
if(value=4143) ; pause
I'm unable to find the value 4143 "as interger" anywhere in the registry "from hex to dec" but I guess this is due to this: value :=(lParam>>16), but I'm unsure if this moves 16 bit forth or back.

My plan was to change the value wich your script "looks for" and tell it look for the input which I use.
hope you can help me

You are correct, the reason for the the integer is due to the bitwise comparison with lParam.
If you remove ";" from the following line in the script you should be able to get a messagebox when you press a button on the remote, this way you can determine each number for the mce remote.
;MsgBox, , test, % value

What you can do is to start the viaplaylauncher.exe with the test.bat file (you might want to edit the bat-file and change the url to
Then start the test.bat so that the viaplaylauncher.exe i started and then you can manually start the AHK script by right clicking on the script-file and selecting run script.
The mceremotehandler.exe is the compiled version and wont work if you made changes in the AHK script. Although you could recompile the AHK script to a exe.
This all doable if you have AHK installed (which I think you have if you are running the xbmc ahk scripts).

Try this out and let me know how it goes. And if you need any further assistance then let me know and I will do my best to help you.

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RE: [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) - by MDDSD - 2013-01-01, 10:55
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