Win XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - All in One Tool for Change Shell, Set Focus and more
Well i don't know how to compile this script so it would be really nice to have a compiled version

Now i noticed i have another weird problem since i installed XBMC Launcher. Sometimes when i exit XBMC i get a black screen. I can only see the taskbar and XBMC still seems to be running but i can't close it. Nothing happens if i start the task manager. ALT+TAB isn't helping neither...
I don't know what's wrong

Messages In This Thread
RE: XBMC Launcher - All in One Tool for Change Shell, Autostart XBMC, Set Focus and more - by anarchoi - 2013-01-07, 07:43
green start button remapping - by Cassiel - 2013-02-12, 21:44
RE: XBMC Launcher - by Govnah - 2013-02-16, 06:32
RE: XBMCLauncher - by MBulli - 2013-02-17, 12:20
Launcher4Kodi - by baijuxavior - 2015-02-17, 15:27
lack of focus - by runey71 - 2015-02-18, 07:53
black screen problem - by -CraZed- - 2015-03-18, 06:36
RE: XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - by TB4875 - 2015-03-25, 11:49
RE: XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - by kmarq - 2015-05-19, 14:41
Error - by liamp - 2015-05-31, 23:03
RE: XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - by gitman - 2015-06-07, 21:40
RE: XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - by RockerC - 2015-06-16, 16:28
RE: Using Tweak UAC - by berkhornet - 2015-07-13, 19:04
RE: - by alsergo - 2015-11-25, 00:11
W10 and netflix - by Cassiuss - 2016-01-10, 15:50
netflix - by Cassiuss - 2016-01-11, 09:11
netflix - by Cassiuss - 2016-01-11, 11:12
netflix - by Cassiuss - 2016-01-11, 13:04
netflix - by Cassiuss - 2016-01-11, 11:44
Reverse shell to explorer - by shayosef - 2016-01-17, 14:24
Launcher4Kodi improvement - by kalhimeo - 2016-01-27, 20:20
resume during recording kodi - by eddedrukker - 2016-04-03, 08:58
RE: XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - by leezy88 - 2017-02-06, 09:41
Might be of use to someone... - by Grumpy - 2017-09-19, 04:18
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XBMCLauncher / Launcher4Kodi - All in One Tool for Change Shell, Set Focus and more20