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Win [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued
(2013-01-14, 09:38)Bygone Wrote: Hello MDDSD

Thanks for making this addon for xbmc, i just have a few issues as new user that i either dont get or is doing wrong (might be the last i know Wink). I am using the Danish version og viaplay, and have added my login for viaplay page, but when i launch it it seems to try to login to the swedish page first then jump to the danish viaplay site. This means that it will ask me every single time for my details to login to play episodes and movies, which is rather annoying.

I dont have a mce remote connected to my xbmc, but am using a small keyboard instead, could this be giving me some issues? Are there any keyboard shortcuts to play/stop etc?

I am using XBMC Frodo v12 RC3 on Windows 7 64bit with MS Explorer 9. What is the recommended browser to use for this?

Thanks Smile
You could try a new version of the Viaplaylauncher.exe (which handles the automatic login and playback) and see if that helps.
It should switch to the loginpage for instead of the Swedish one.
You can download the new version of viaplaylauncher.exe here.
There is also a new version of MceRemoteHandler.exe, you can download it here.

To replace the old versions, follow these steps:
Press the Start button and paste this into Run: "%appdata%\XBMC\addons\\resources\lib"
Then press enter and the File Explorer will open with the correct path, replace both Viaplaylauncher.exe and MceRemoteHandler.exe with the ones you've downloaded.

With the new MceRemoteHandler.exe you should be able to control the playback, by using the same keys as in XBMC:

Play: Ctrl-shift-P
Pause: Q
stop: Ctrl-shift-S
Forward: Ctrl-shift-F
Rewind: Ctrl-shift-B

Note that Forward and Rewind only works as quick buttons to start from the begining or continue playback, if you've already started to watch an episode or movie.

The ViaplayLauncher.exe has improvements to the automatic login, the application should now go to the correct login page (based on the country setting in addon in XBMC).
The loadtime is also improved (but it's only about a second)...

Try this and let me know if it fixes your problems.

I'll release a new version later this week that will include these and other improvments.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) - by MDDSD - 2013-01-14, 12:37
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[Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued9