Release tinyMediaManager - a media manager written in Java (Win/Mac/Linux)
Just found this little gem and wanted to say that it is the best/easiest/cleanest media manager I have found so far.

Keep up the great work. I am sure I will be back with a couple of feature requests shortly. Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
RE: tinyMediaManager - a media manager written in Java (Win/Mac/Linux) - by d3maxt - 2013-01-29, 20:43
Movies with multiple files - by mag_sol76 - 2014-05-07, 15:21
possible bug? - by ppwrtw - 2017-09-11, 01:28
How to reaname subtitles ? - by xbozzo - 2018-06-06, 00:24
Tags don't work - by xbozzo - 2018-06-06, 00:39
RE: HDR or Dobly vision Logos - by nmt1978 - 2020-05-10, 06:27
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tinyMediaManager - a media manager written in Java (Win/Mac/Linux)7