[RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator
(2013-02-21, 01:47)Zxurian Wrote: according to http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=XBM...r_Frodo.3F
since Frodo supports both posters & banners for displaying, the new convention of -poster.jpg or -banner.jpg was put in.

I was going to dig into the addon myself to see if I can change it to pick up this naming convention manually, just wondered if it would be possible to turn it into an option.

While Frodo does support it, that convention is stated as being for "movies not in folders". You are using separate folders, so the prefix is unnecessary. Also you are talking about movie sets, which have no naming convention whatsoever.

(2013-02-21, 02:26)saitoh183 Wrote: It can already do this...all my artwork is named <name>-poster.jpg, <name>-fanart.jpg and it picks it up just fine

It's supported when using a single artwork folder, but he is wanting to use the common folder mode where you configure what filenames to search for (defaults are folder.jpg and fanart.jpg), but then wanting it to also use a dynamic prefix.

If others request this feature I can add it, but for now you might want to just hack the addon yourself.

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RE: [RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator - by trentf - 2013-02-21, 03:29
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[RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator6