Tvheadend add-on on raspberry pi - not working
I have just read through this thread with great interest. I have also been experimenting with the RPi hoping that I can come up with an elegant, low-power solution to home media centre that would allow me to decommission that power hungry dual-core P4 Wiin7 Media Center box with its whirring fans and massive DVB-S2 cards. And improve the WAF (wife acceptance factor) rating at the same time. My setup is 2 x model B RPis. One running TVheadend 3.5.22 on latest Raspbian with a WinTV-Duet twin DVB-T USB dongle through powered USB hub. The other running latest release XBMC on RaspBMC.

Streaming live TV from TVheadend works fine to various Linux (Ubuntu) laptops and Win7 and Win XP laptops running XBMC Frodo. Entirely reliable for multiple simultaneous streams, recording etc, the TVHeadend RPi is totally stable. Likewise no problem if I run TVheadend on one of the laptops and stream eleswhere.

Recorded TV playback is fine, but I have consistent liveTV "black screen" on the XBMC RPi (irrespective of where I am running TVHeadend). The only time this worked briefly was on some final RC2 updates (end of December I think), but returned back to the old problem as soon as I updated to RC3 and has stayed the same ever since - I have tried each nightly as it comes along but no change. I have 100% successful results using HTSP://tvheadend IP:9982 direct access to the muxes but as others have remarked, it is a "dirty" fix.

I am convinced that this is an OMXplayer/HTSP issue. Not TVHeadend or RPi firmware.

I just want to thank Adam and Gimli for the tremendous effort. It is now so...... close to a fully usable solution. Plus my wife - who can't see - uses her speaking iPhone to control it all through the official XBMC iOS app - brilliant!

The last time I did any Unix software was 20 yrs ago, I fear I am of no help in fixing this. I will just keep my fingers crossed that eventually someone will figure out exactly where the problem lies.

If I can help with testing, logs etc, I would be very happy to do so.

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RE: Tvheadend add-on on raspberry pi - not working - by dahorne - 2013-03-07, 23:15
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