Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server]
(2013-03-10, 00:41)oliv3r Wrote: doveman, read what I wrote. You probably have set up your tvheadend to only accept connections from or similar, but you try to connect to

either run tvhpiproxy with the IP as 2nd parameter (you need the ports 1 3 parms) or, connect to (or whever your server is running.

Sorry, I missed your previous post. System Info shows tvheadend is listening on and TVH client is set to connect to but it was still giving "hardware not present" when I tried to start a channel but I rebooted and then it started working Smile

So I've got tvhpiproxy autostarting now and set TVH client to use port 9983 and I can start channels now Smile

However, it keeps pausing and restarting constantly. Some channels seem worse than others for this and sometimes it happens a lot after changing channel, then settles down. In fact, after changing channel a few times (letting it play for a minute or two on each) it stopped doing this even after switching back to the channels on which it was worse. I stopped and restarted TV in case it only happens when first starting a channel but it didn't reoccur then either but after leaving it on one channel for a while it did just do it again once. I posted the log straight after that at so if it's shown in the log, it should be at the end (as well as when it first happened which will be nearer the start).

I've got debug logging on and it shows around 70% CPU (CPU-XBMC 22%) and 9fps but that must be wrong as it doesn't look that bad, although it does look a bit more juddery/jittery than when I use Mediaportal on my PC connected to the same TV. top shows tvhpiproxy using 30%, xbmc.bin using 22% and tvheadend using 15%

Great to be able to use my Pi to watch TV at all though Smile

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does live tv work at all????? - by pootler - 2013-02-08, 18:38
RE: Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server] - by doveman2 - 2013-03-10, 14:20
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Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server]5