[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
0.1.5, wow!

It can handle starts and pauses of the video. If your scrobble threshold is it 80% and you stop the item before that, it won't scrobble. Once it hits 80% of the runtime, it will scrobble once you hit stop or the item ends playback. It will use the correct runtime when calculating your time spent watching on your personal charts page.

For rating, I'd set it lower than 100%. It works in a similar way, it would only popup the rating dialog if you watched 80% of the item. It only shows up after the item is done playing or you stop it past that threshold, it won't interrupt while you are actually watching it.
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RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - by rectifyer - 2013-03-19, 00:58
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13