can xbmc play ISO DVD movies with menu?
I tried a couple of dvd iso files last night and as I thought they launched to the DVD menu as I's expect, do you have the actual retail disc to try playback from disk within XBMC to see if it's the same behaviour? just wondering if it's something to do with the disc itself.

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by tebicenter - 2008-11-08, 04:53
[No subject] - by slippy - 2008-11-08, 06:19
[No subject] - by dhrandy - 2008-11-08, 06:31
[No subject] - by nu1mlock - 2008-11-08, 11:18
[No subject] - by slippy - 2008-11-08, 19:03
[No subject] - by nu1mlock - 2008-11-08, 19:56
[No subject] - by slippy - 2008-11-08, 19:57
[No subject] - by nu1mlock - 2008-11-08, 20:27
RE: can xbmc play ISO DVD movies with menu? - by jjd-uk - 2013-03-21, 15:25
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