Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server]
(2013-03-23, 00:50)Psik Wrote: I have the latest OpenElec (2.99.5)and the live-tv is working for me, no proxy, no extra set-up, and it wasn't working before the update. So something has changed even if unintentionally.

I think you have SD channels only, they generally work (but not very well). Can you confirm HD (1080i)/ h.264 - mpeg4 (not mpeg2) work in your case?

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does live tv work at all????? - by pootler - 2013-02-08, 18:38
RE: Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server] - by giaur - 2013-03-24, 23:57
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Live TV doesn't work on Openelec [tvheadend server]5